I Am Who I Am wants humanity to have faith in their Creator. Mankind can communicate with I Am.
I Am Who I Am has given mankind rules humans to keep their borders against other humans. Be honest, do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not abuse and do not bring people into slavery.
Now I Am Who I Am gives humanity rules to interact with I Am. I Am is God. Worship God. Do not worship another god. Do not make idols to worship. If you worship another god, or if you think you are a god, the Fury of I Am will hit you.
Why do you worship and pray to a picture, a statue or another object? Why do you worship another human? Humans are not a god. This is like praying to win the lottery without a lottery ticket. Why do you pray for health when you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs. Change your lifestyle first.
Ask and you will be given. The ways of God are sometimes you did not expect. Miracles are not for free. You can ask for a miracle and start to diminish your addictions. This helps.
Have faith in your communication with Your Creator. Be respectful. Do not swear. I Am likes you to be with a day off or be with your family and God on one day in the week.
Worship and praying are individual. Faith is individual. You can pray everywhere. No one shall limit your prayer. A government that prevents praying in your way shall perish.
Faith is for woman, man and children. Pray every day. Adults shall teach children to pray every day. A good time is when children go to sleep.
Dear God, I love You. You Created the World and mankind. Thank You for always stand with me. You give me strength. You provide my needs. You take care for my relatives. Thank You. Amen.