2024, Humanity must return to the Light.

Humanity is limited to the third dimension by time, location, gender and objects. Humanity fights for objects and has forgotten to strive for the Light. I Am Who I Am is in the fourth dimension, not limited by time, location, gender or objects. I Am Who I Am is the Light. The purpose of mankind is to enter the Light at the end of its life.

There is too much fantasy about the spiritual world. There is no devil, there are no angels. It is mankind who brings death, ignorance, dishonesty and at death there are no virgins. The fantasies are made by man who glorify the sins of greedy male. Those humans who die and have killed another human being will not enter The Light, they return to dust. Those who lived a honest life will enter The Light and live forever in the Light of I Am Who I Am.

But mankind has turn to the Darkness of violence, theft, addiction and slavery. It’s all about the money. The money buys objects, which have no meaning for the afterlife. Money is ok when it serves the purpose of I Am Who I Am and does not betray the Commands. Judgement Day has been done. Now every individual must make a choice. The live for the darkness or to live for the Light. I Am Who I Am will be the Judge.

I Am Who I Am wants all countries to be democratic. Democratic countries will free the people. All woman and man in the world must be free to speek in a responsible way, to express themselves, to be free of fear and to be free of want. Politics and Media are ruled by communism, which is a cancer for democracy. Communism dictates immigration. Communism dictates the UN. Many countries do not live up to the UN Charter. I Am Who I Am wants countries to be sovereign and democratic without tricks.

The patience of I Am Who I Am is running out. Humanity should honor the Commands. Be honest. Do not kill a human being or yourself. Do not steal. Do not envy. Do not abuse. Do not bully. Do not lie. Do not betray. Do not be enslaved. Sober your life. Do not bring people in slavery. A man shall protect a woman and a child even they are not his own. A human receives a soul at birth. There is no eternal sin. A woman decide until the 24th week pregnancy if she gives birth or not.

2024, The Verdict of I Am Who I Am about war.

2024, Those who start a war will lose their objects. The warlords will lose their territory, their house, their money, their family and their life. The Judgement Day has been done. Now the verdicts for the sin will be spoken and executed. There will be a capital punishment for those who ignored the honesty Commands of I An Who I Am. The supporters of the warlords will lose their house, their job and their love.

Iran wants a revenge for the killing of a Hamas leader in Iran. This is a declaration of war against Israel. Israel now has the right to self-defence. The UN Charter is corrupted by members who do not act according the international agreements to be a member of the UN. The UN cannot bring peace. Israel now acts out of self-defence. Read more . . .

With the Octobre 7 2023 Hamas massacre the Judgement Day started. Hamas killed raped, abused and enslaved hostages. These warlords did everything against the Commands of I Am Who I Am for a honest world. A world wide choice has been given. Good is when you follow the Commands of I Am Who I Am. Evil is when you are against the Commands of I Am Who I Am . The choice was good and Israel or pro-Hamas for violence and evil. Read more . . .

Today the world is in chaos. A warlord that kills, steals or put civilians into slavery has been given a choice, to be honest or to be evil. If they choose evil, they will feel the Fury of I Am Who I Am. Mankind destroys the Earth from greed. I Am Who I Am interferes. I Am Who I Am wants an Honest World.

I Am Who I Am has given messages to the Messenger. The general message is Be Honest or feel My Fury. The messages are  written in The Book “I Am Who I Am wants an Honest World”. (Click on the link or image to download, its free).

2024, I Am Who I Am, The era of Separation.

Today the good and evil cultures are struggling. Dialog seems to be not possible. From 2024 there will be a tendency for cultures to separate. I Am Who I Am will help the good cultures and will sent natural, physical and psychological plagues to evil cultures. Read more . . .

2023, Freedom comes with Free Will and Responsibility.

Throughout history, a culture has flourished with five universal freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of expression such as dance, music, art, freedom to worship according to I Am Who I Am, freedom from fear and freedom from want. That’s the way Western democracies are today. I Am Who I Am supports Western democracies to establish the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven gives freedom, but it comes with free will and responsibility. Read more …

2023, I Am Who I Am, Mankind creates Hell.

I Am Who I Am is The One. The One is in the fourth dimension, not limited by time, space, gender or objects. Mankind lives in the third dimension, limited by time, space, gender and objects. The fourth dimension is peace, equality and freedom. Mankind creates war, inequality, famine, slavery and fear. Mankind creates Hell. Read more …

2023, Volcanic Eruption cause Extreme Weather.

Volcanoes have an enormous effect on the weather. It caused the “year without a summer in 1816”. When a mountain exploded in a violent eruption in 1815, it caused the year without summer to occur. The location of the volcanic eruption was Mount Tambora, in what we know today as Indonesia. Despite the magnitude of the eruption being the greatest known geological change, it took the planet a year to feel its full effects.

In 2023 four combining influences are responsible for the increase in temperature in the Pacific, Northern America and Southern Europe. 1.The sun emitted huge solar flames, 2.El Niño is present in the Pacific raising the temperature with 0,5C, 3. The enormous volcanic eruption of water vapor to the stratosphere of the Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai has a warming effect in the next 5 years.4. The human population doubles quicker and quicker and with it deforestation increases. It is the enormous volcanic eruption that shall increase the temperature for years.

2023, Be selfish or selfless, you choose.

Humanity today has too many selfish people. Selfish people give fear, abuse, theft, lies, death. These selfish people deny the existence of I Am Who I Am and create their own environment of fear. It is not a non existing spiritual phenomena like people call the devil. It are selfish people who create evil. Many politician today are selfish people and have become warlords. These warlords think they are god. They are it not. Selfish people are useless for I Am Who I Am. They are people with an empty soul. Today selfish people will have a choice, to repent and become selfless. Read more . . .

2022, I Am Declares The Honest World.

A 2000 years ago the world changed. A Messenger spread the Word of the Kingdom of Heaven. This Message I Am had Spoken was not understood. For 2000 years many wars were fought and many people lived in slavery. This slavery and death is due to war lords and people who think they are gods. They are it not. The time for the war lords and bullies is over. I Am now declares the Honest World for the future to come. The Honesty Commands are given for thousand of years. Do not kill, do not steal and do not enslave the other. The Hope for a Honest World is given now. Read more . . .

2022, I Am Who I Am, Separate From Evil.

Russia is like an evil cancer for the world. Separate from this evil cancer immediately and totally. All religious, political, economical, cultural and sports from Russia should be expelled from the world. Consider to banish all Russians from the world to Russia. They cannot be trusted and are spies for this evil Russian cancer. When the Russians are thrown back behind the border of Ukraine, the Wrath of I Am Who I Am will strike the Russians. Read more . . .

2022, I Am Who I Am, One man for One man.

One killed citizen by the Russians is one death citizen too much. The genocide, rape and stealing of the Russian war criminals must stop. The Russians will have one week to leave the whole of Ukraine, including the Crimea. Then the Wrath of I Am Who I Am shall strike Russia. Read more . . .

2022, I Am Who I Am, Kick Out Putin

The WWII history repeats itself and the foolish mankind let it happen. There are too many warlords in the world which think they are gods. The warlord Putin started to demolishing Ukraine. Repent for the Day of I Am Who I Am is at hand. Every human being will be honest or will be evil. The Spiritual World is mobilized. For the Day of Judgement has come. The UN Charter must be rewritten for only peaceful countries. From the UN Charter the NATO will be sanctioned to remove all warlords in the world. Read more . . .

2022, I Am Who I Am, Religions Must Make Peace

After many years of Peace the warlords have given themselves to the purpose of evil. The warlords like Putin and Xi will bring chaos and slavery to the world. All other political , economical and religious heads of state, heads of companies and heads of religions must work together to stand firm, isolate the warlords and bring them to justice. Those who bring chaos must be accounted for. In order to do so, all religions of the world must make Peace. Read more . . .

2022, I Am Who I Am, The Great Reset.

On 22-2-2022 Russia invaded Ukraine. War is hell. Putin acted as a warlord, he like to make war in order to satisfy his personal needs. The Russian people will be isolated and will experience hell from this selfish behaviour of their head of state. The UN Charter does not satisfy this breaking the world peace. Russia must be expelled from the UN Security Council and the UN. A great reset of international law is necessary. Behold My Fury. Read more . . .

2022, I Am Who I Am, Keep Your Borders.

Today mankind does not know his or hers borders. The borders how to be happy and how to make other people happy. Its necessary to understand the purpose of mankind. Be happy or be not. This is the Kingdom of Heaven which have been exclamated  for thousand of years. In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no War room, no room for bullies, no room for heads of state who think they are gods. Consider the list of borders you shall  keep in order to establish a world free of fear. In order to make a Kingdom of Heaven. Read more . . . 

2022, I Am Who I Am, Life and Death.

Mankind has been Created male and female. The female is equal to the male. Life starts when the male sperm fertilizes the female egg and when the female fertilized egg enters the womb. This is the Creation. The Creation took place through evolution billions of years. Every biological being is created in the same way. A male and a female. Life grows from a newborn to a child to an adult, to a parent en to an elder. I Am who I Am is with you every day, every hour and every minute. Read more . . . 

2022, I Am Who I Am, The After Life.

I Am who I Am Created mankind as a physical and a spiritual being. Mankind has lost the connection to I Am who I Am and does not hear the Voice. Only a few hear the Voice, the Voice to do good and to build  a spiritual adult.  Scientist have reduced the love hope mind and emotion to physical influences. Being honest and doing good adds spiritual nourishment to the spiritual body. Selfishness declines the spiritual body and creates loneliness. With death a human being can emerge into the Light. Read more . . . 

2022, I Am Who I Am, Make Peace, not War.

Some heads of state strive to war. This a time of change. The change is that I Am Who I Am wants a peaceful world. Make Peace not War. Another change will be the patriarchal society will change to a matriarchal. I Am Who I Am is fed up with the war lords. The threat of war is the way down to Hell. Nature will turn against the selfish heads of states. There shall be no statue for heads of state. The meek will inherit the Earth. Read more . . . 

2021, I Am Who I Am.

He Who Is, is very angry with the religious, the political, the cultural and the economical leaders of the world. The leaders of the world are not honest. They think they are gods and destroy the earth. Every human being is born free, in life they remain free. Every human being is equal to the other. One receives eternal life by the good deeds they are doing, not by gold, statues or buildings. The meek will inherit the earth. Read more . . .

2021, I Am Who I Am, Enjoy Life.

The purpose of mankind is to enjoy life. This is not yet established in this selfish and divided world. The world has enough resource to enjoy life, but not enough to satisfy the greed of some. The greed of some holds down the joy of all. I Am who I Am gives advises to change the world towards the joy of everyone. Read more . . . 

2021, I Am Who I Am, Sustain Life.

Mankind shall sustain life. You are the salt of the civilization. Be honest, do not kill another human being and respect the other. Keep yourself away from smoking, drugs and alcohol. You have the right to food, clean water and shelter. No one shall keep you from a happy life. You have the right to self defense. Read more . . .  

2021, I Am Who I Am, Do you Care.

The corona plague kills millions of people (>5 million today). Mostly elder people and people who do not take care for themselves. Young people many times consider the corona plague to be a flu. But do they care for the elder people which can die after infection with the corona virus. Do you  care? Read more . . .

2021, I Am Who I Am, Free the People.

The people all over the world have to deal with the corona plague. This will be with us for the next two years. With the measures taken, like work at home, children not at school and wear a mouth mask, limiting the social contacts and so on, the people are less free. These years of change need a new commitment to Free the People. Read more . . .

2021, Be truthful or be not.

Tuesday, March 16, Israel Finds New Dead Sea Scrolls. New fragments of a Dead Sea Scroll have been discovered during an exhaustive survey of every nook, hole and cranny in the Judea Desert. The fragments tell us to be Honest or to feel the Fury of God. Read more . . . 

2021, Introduction to Respect.

We live in a world without Respect. We label people. Many people live in a cocoon with their own view on Good or Evil. This does not create Respect. It creates Hell. Many people emphasize the cocoon of the own group and want to maintain this cocoon by violence. Violence kills Respect. Respect starts with realizing that every human being is different and yet every human being is equal to the other. Every human has physical and psychological borders. Cocoons and borders can change if the change leads to Happiness. Respect brings Happiness. Read more . . .

2021, Mankind must be truthful or will not be.

Mankind is in chaos. Due to dishonest China the world has to deal with the corona pandemic. The Corona pandemic took 2,2% deaths of over 100 million infected people and is still increasing in severity. The climate change is another plague for mankind that cannot be ignored. Temperature in several parts of the world rises to over 40 degrees Celsius. Temperature in the arctic Siberia rises to abnormal 30 degrees Celsius in June. Wildfire carbon dioxide emissions from the region last month were an estimated 59 mega tonnes. The climate change effects in Siberia may have caused the massive floods in China and may be the preface of an accelerated climate change for the world. Dishonest economy caused the climate change. Shall the climate change erase mankind like it did the dinosaurs ? Read more . . .

2020, The Year the World Stood Still.

2020 will be the Year the World Stood Still. Caused by a world-wide China Corona (COVID-19) Virus pandemic. A Biological World War III is at hand. The COVID-19 virus killed until today more than 2,3  million people. More then the atomic bombs in World War II. The Corona Virus originates from China. The information from China was too late. The second wave of corona is at hand. The World experiences a lack of essential freedoms due by China. The freedom of religion has gone, no church or mosque meeting can be attended. Many people experience a lack of want because they are without a job. Everyone has fear he or she or relatives will be infected with the deadly corona virus. With the social media fortunately we still have the freedom of speech. This article describes some aspects with which we can get the essential freedoms back. The four essential freedoms of the Free World should be restored. Read more . . .

2021, How to stop the Corona virus outbreak.

2021,  USA, Europe, Russia and China and many other countries of the world face a pandemic of the corona virus. Every month the number of registered infected people with the China corona virus doubles. The death toll decreases from 5% to 2,2%, the number of recovered people increases from 58% to 74% now. The figures about the corona pandemic are not clear. We ask the head of states of the countries of the world to work towards clear and honest numbers of corona patients and deaths. The people must be informed honest. Self testing may be done with an oximeter. Vaccines are developed and many countries apply these . The US, Russia, Europe and China should work together to solve this outbreak. Within the US, Republicans and Democrats should work together to win this War on Corona. Read more . . .

2021, The Universal Declaration of Democracy.

The World is in chaos. In many countries the citizens no longer feel themselves represented by their government. From chaos civilian war may rise. In order to bring PEACE to the world we herewith propose the Universal Declaration of Democracy. This declaration has been sent to the United Nations Messengers of Peace. Read the Declaration

2021, The Civilian Equality Act.

After the corona crisis the world is in chaos. Many people want equality. Many countries have an Equality Act. These Equality Acts however are not complete and discriminate the one or the other. He or she who believes knows the Almighty sees every human being to be equal. The human institutions however do not recognize the honest truth. This Civilians Equality Act has the purpose to be a foundation for political, religious, economical and cultural institutions to create a complete Equality Act. This Civilians Equality Act shall give each civilian the rights and duties to live with each other. From the arguments in this Civilians Equality Act Penal Law shall come forth. Read more . . .

The EU Green New Deal is Futile.

The EU Commission has proposed the initiative for the Green New Deal. The EU wants to complete the Green New Deal around 2050. In the Green New Deal the politicians do not mention the increase of population as the main cause of the Climate Change. In 100 years the world population increased from 1 billion to 7 billion. In 2050 The world population will be at least 10 billion and possibly 15 billion. The average CO2 footprint of a world citizen is 6 kTon CO2. With the increase in population any initiative or tax increase for the Green New Deal will be futile.

Socialism is dead, long live Populism.

Socialism has been assimilated by the cultural relativism. Socialism has been the foundation for political activities who benefit active and former working people. Nowadays social parties have lost their foundation and aim for immigration and more Europe. Immigration gives other cultures which do not integrate and have to be supported by the working class. The working class has to deal with more expenses for the cultural relativism with no wage increase. The benefit of socialism for the active and former workers has been lost. With the decline of socialism the workers search for benefits by populist parties. Populism are against cultural relativism and promises purchase power, which in fact benefits everyone. Read more

On the Origin of Climate Change by Means of Population Growth.

The climate is changing due to the increase of CO2. Many governments, scientists and even school teachers blame the burning of fossil fuels. But the main origin of the climate change is the population growth. From 1900 the world population grew from 1.6 billion to 7.7 billion today. The CO2 emission pro capita (for each person) 6 metric tons today. The Population growth is the origin of the Climate Change. The burning of fossil fuels will end in the next 40 years because there will be no oil anymore. See our article The oil runs dry in 30-40 years. The focus on climate change because the CO2 level rises, should be changed to the focus on the energy transition. Read More

world population co2 emission

Enter Your Force.

Five elements help you to Enter Your Force. Air, start breathing through your nose. Earth, start eating healthy. Fire, start moving. Water, start drinking healthy. But what is the fifth element? This is the quintessence. Today, what man eats makes man sick. Many people live unhealthy. This declines your force and energy. On the one hand due to behavior and due to insufficient information your force and energy are too less. Smoking, drugs, too much alcohol, too many carbohydrates, burned meat, too much fat or sugar make people addicted and ill. The doctor soon comes with a chemical pill to solve the problems caused by diet. And you feel sick. Read this article and see how you will get your Force and Energy again. Read more

Has the EU lost its magic?

The Brexit made clear the UK public think the EU has lost its magic. The rise of populist parties in other EU states is another indication the EU dream is fading away. The main problem is the promise of democracy and prosperity has been broken. The EU declared the European State with the treaty of Lisbon (2009). With it the European States have lost their democratic foundations. The EU people did not vote to live in an European State. Read more . . .

On the origin of Cancer by means of cell fusion.

Mankind has reached a high level in curing disease. A general cure for cancer has not yet been found. The past 40 years it has become clear, that all kinds of cancer share the same characteristics. The nature of many of these characteristics are unknown.The development of a cure starts with knowledge about the origin of a disease. This paper proposes the hypothesis that the first cancer cell is “born” after a cell fusion. We discuss today’s cancer theories, aspects of abnormal and normal cell fusion and indicate the cancer cell fusion mechanism from which you may understand the cancer mechanism. Read more . . .

From Migration to Segregation?

There is a migration of people going on. Under inhuman conditions. There are many people who apply for asylum in the civilized European Union. People are entitled to this under international law and human rights. But with this huge crowd of people some structure is necessary. There is a distinction between real refugees and economic asylum seekers. Read more . . .

Essential Freedoms.

In the State of the Union on January 6th 1941 for the American Congress, Franklin Delano Roosevelt  spoke out the Four Freedoms Speech. This speech marked the vision with which the US started to cure the evil in the world at that time. This was necessary because some countries (Germany and Japan) crossed the border of the world civilization. At this time again some countries are at a point in which they may cross the border of civilization and commit an act of physical aggression to their neighbor or to the people within their state.  Read more

The Freedom of Expression.

The happiness of a human being depends on the freedom of expression. Every person needs freedom of expression in the private and the public realm. The freedom of expression interacts with other human beings. The freedom of expression of the one cannot be the horror of the other. Politics tend to restrain the public freedom of expression. Through the Ages Religions Laws have set rules for the private freedom of expression. At this point in time the world has developed private freedom of expression. There is an evolution to clear the freedom of expression in the public domain.  Read more . . .

The Freedom to Worship God.

The second essential freedom is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way– everywhere in the world. See the world of today. A world full of war, famine and terrorism. Many people live day by day and life is the highest priority.  In such a world worshipping God has the last priority. What do we need to do to create a world of tomorrow in which every person anywhere in the world is free to worship God. Read more

Prosperity for All.

The third of the Four Freedoms, is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants –everywhere in the world (President F.D. Roosevelt) After the currency inflation of the Euro the people do not benefit anymore of the economical vision of the European Union. This is due to the political ambitions. The Brexit was a sign that the people resist the increasing decadence. With the Brexit the budget of the European Union should decrease. But the European Commission wants more budget to increase their power. This will minify the freedom of want and the prosperity will decrease. Read more

Introduction to Democracy.

The world fades away from democracy. More and more governments concentrate on one person. One person is not great enough to carry the burden of bringing democracy and prosperity to the people. This article gives an introduction to the building blocks of democracy. In many countries on all continents of the earth one or more of the building blocks are missing. Without the Rule of Law rulers become dictators and rebellion or war will be the result.  Read More

The Oil Runs Dry.

The civilization of today runs smoothly on oil. The fossil fuel oil is very hard to win and shall in time no longer be present in the Earth for thousands of years. The political and economic exploration of oil is a question that should keep us busy in the coming decades. Read more

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